...And then there was light
Gobbledygook: unclear, wordy jargon. An attainable goal. Let's face it. It's not like a New Year's Resolution. I can be unclear every minute of every day. Easy. Just off the top, nonsensical babble. Whatever's on my mind. Done. I haven't stopped to think a second about anything written so far. And I'm like 54 words in, I'm sure. About me: I've read some books, done some things, bedded some bad-ass women and drank some beer in between. I'm your average 30-something black guy, working a job during the day attending illegal cock-fights till the rooster crows. Just like you. We're all one in the same. The only difference is that I'm much better than you in all ways except none. I can prove it. What number am I thinking of right now between 1 and 10? If you said 12,873 you'd be correct. Eleventeen should be a number. Ok, maybe you're better at me in math, but guess what? Unless you're an architect or your dealer is constantly ripping you off, what good does math do you anyway? No one's gonna grab you in a dark alley and tell you that your life depends on you giving them the correct answer to the square root of 11,118. Usually in those situations it's a geography question or they'll ask you for some chemical element or something. Just remember that the symbol for gold is AU. Trust me on that. I've read the bible cover to cover and the one thing I realized was that I was never so glad to be done with a book. Kobe Bryant scored like 144 points the other day. I thought it was a typo until I realized I was listening to the radio. He knows no one likes him so you'd think he'd just score 8 points a game and go home, like the rest of his teammates. Think about it: the next highest scorer on his team had like 13 points. What would happen if Lamar Odom forearmed Kobe in the throat while Kobe was going for a layup, got the ball and dunked it over Kobe and screamed "Yeeaahhhh!" in Kobe's face? It probably wouldn't be a good career move for Lamar, but I tell you I'd laugh and laugh. And really, that's what life is all about isn't it? I believe we make life much more complicated than it has to be. Life is nothing more than a good steak, a great friend, a compatible hot partner with a high libido and clear stilletos that knows how to whip up a batch of homemade grain alcohol. I mean, why do we make it so complicated? I have a couple of kids. Their names escape me right now...I think it's Mike and Tina. They're both boys around the same age. Possibly. Ok, I'm admittedly not the best parent. But kids are just so damn clingy. All they do is whine about "Daddy, I need some food." "Daddy, I need some clothing." "Daddy, I need some shelter." Get your naked ass back in the yard, and close the damn door it's raining! Kids, man. I'm writing a book. I've been writing this book for 24 years now. It's actually changed like 12 times. Totally changed. I now realized that I could have written like 5 different books on different subjects with all the changes I've made. They were small changes but they all add up. The characters names haven't been changed at all. It's just like their situations, genders and dialogue I keep messing with. And like the overall theme. If I was to sum up the theme right now, I'd say it was a cross between Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower and the children's book "Good Night Moon." I have this chapter in my book where the main character, Karma, goes back home and unbeknownst to her guests she takes them to a little place she calls "The Forest of The Impaled." It's creepy and graphic. It's all in Pop Up. This is definitely a part of the book where parents would want to read to their children and let them know that impalements rarely happen today. One day I'll make this blog readable and presentable. Until then, goodnight moon.
It doesn't take a math whiz to tell you that the square root of 11,118 is 105.44192. That's like, common knowledge man.
you are very unwell
Damn it took you long enough.
I see your point Supa Sista.
wow. very unwell. i know i'm not supposed to say that being that i don't know you but i read this through the spaces in my fingers with the rest of my hand resting on my forehead somewhere between shock, awe, bewilderment, and amusement. i think i ended up intrigued. i guess... write some more so i can make sure i don't like it. (did you ever see the ladies man? he says "uhhh, yeah. that was disgusting. do it again so i can make sure i didn't like it.)
If I fond that post hysterically funny does that make unwell too?
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